A pitch is an extraordinary method to convey your idea, how it works, why it checks, and who it benefits. Furthermore, during the time spent creating it, you illuminate the key components of your idea and refine how you speak it (Nessler 2018). A pitch is a basic way to present an idea, which is what I will be coving in this blog.
I am an everyday gamer that is always wanting to build a sense of equality and respect within the gaming community with regards to females and males within the gaming world. As I am a female gamer and I find it difficult to connect with male gamers while playing on online matches or just having a general conversation with other gamers.
The media presents a standard that females do not like playing games, having knowledge about the subject or that women are gamers to earn money or to impress males. So to aid this issue or stigma around the gaming community, I am going to create a meme page on twitter. I want to make a meme page that has relatable and funny memes for both males and females.
Video games can achieve high amounts of emotion and feeling through its storytelling. However, numerous games instead pride themselves on humour. Over gaming’s long history a sub-culture has been formed, carrying with it a large number of jokes for gamers of a specific game or series all in all to enjoy. However, within the the Internet age, this gaming society is represented by memes (Stegner 2014). This whole idea is the base for my digital artefact process below;
The concept is to create a gaming/gamer meme page on twitter with weekly based content relating to gaming sub-culture.
1 – Reaction Memes: To create edgy, funny, foolish, easy to iterate, styled memes of gamer ideas.
2- Nostalgia Memes: Retweeting old gamer memes, videos or anything from the past that gamer will feel emotion or miss.
3- The Collection Meme: Memes which seem to collect ideas, emotions, and actions in a simple and transferable form making content reliable.
According to Twitter research (Cooper 2019), as many as 52% of Twitter users are interested in gaming (Quiliter 2018).
“Compared to the average user, 83% of Twitter’s gaming audience is likely to be using smartphones to access the platform.” (Quiliter 2018).
A large proportion of the audience (66%) are daily users (Heald 2019), with the period between 6pm-9pm seeing the greatest level of activity (53%) (Quiliter 2018).
32% use Twitter after playing a game (Grubb 2016). While 24% use it to research a game (Heald 2019). Crucially, 30% use Twitter to hunt for gaming related content (Quiliter 2018).
Form a meme twitter page to accompany my enjoyment for games by posting weekly content to gain the audience’s attention;
1- Inspiration day is on Saturday – Which is to use reddit and 4chain under the gamer and gaming forums to research and gain inspiration to be able to create memes.
2- Creation Day is on Sunday – Which is the day that use all the inspiration I gathered from the day before to make memes for the week to post.
2- Posting Days is from; Monday to Friday – This is the time that I start posting a retweeting and commenting.
Fast: The meme page does not consume a lot of time as gaming is a hobby for me. So finding the newest gamer trends and or screenshots etc., or news of the week will be normal for me.
Inexpensive: The twitter page does not cost any money to create, they’re some cost of time, due to the fact that I have to spend 1 day A week making the memes for posting.
Simple: The platforms (like twitter and Canva/Giphy) are easy to utilise, the content is straightforward, to its audiences/demographic and all that the users has to do is click on a button or link to find the twitter account.
Tiny: By having a small minority of gamers and interested meme-rs, it makes my project easy to deal with. As I am creating content to a niche, instead of having an overload of content to please all audiences or other demographics.
I think my twitter meme page can solve the need by building a healthy community for females and even males by creating a welcoming space on twitter. As my twitter page is based on the idea of having a laugh about something you enjoy, which the user(s) can relate to, whether it is due to age, gender, sense of humour, or passion. This need will be filled with the concept of familiarity which keeps the react-style memes or game video memes alive.
The relevance of this page is to have a genderless gamer meme page, my memes will be made for both female and male audiences not just one. It will be on one platform and has content for everyone in one place.
– Users can pride themselves on humour.
– Users can connect with their gaming community.
– Familiarity will keep memes alive.
– Helps users to identify themselves within the content and have a laugh.
– Keeps audiences ahead of trends and evolving interests in games, virtual reality, or general topics of interest.
Aja, R, 2017, Adult women are now the largest demographic in gaming, The daily dot, March 9, 2017, viewed 14 March 2019, <https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/adult-women-largest-gaming-demographic/>
Cooper, P, 2019, 28 Twitter Statistics All Marketers Need to Know in 2019, January 16 2019, viewed 17 March 2019, <https://uxdesign.cc/ideate-prototype-pitch-in-no-time-applying-this-3-in-1-method-32abcfe3f096>
Grubb, J, 2016, Twitter: 65% of users are gamers, spend a lot on games, and love trailers, June 6 2016, viewed 16 March 2019, <https://venturebeat.com/2016/06/06/twitter-65-of-users-are-gamers-spend-a-lot-on-games-and-love-trailers/>
Heald, E, 2019, Get to know your followers with Twitter audience insights, February 19 2019, viewed 18 March 2019, <https://business.twitter.com/en/blog/Get-to-know-your-followers-with-Twitter-audience-insights.html>
Osborn , G, 2017, Male and Female Gamers: How Their Similarities and Differences Shape the Games Market, newzoo, 3 May, viewed 16 March 2019, <https://newzoo.com/insights/articles/male-and-female-gamers-how-their-similarities-and-differences-shape-the-games-market/>
Nessler, D, 2018, Ideate, prototype & pitch in no time applying this 3-in-1 method, March 1 2018, viewed 20 March 2019, <https://uxdesign.cc/ideate-prototype-pitch-in-no-time-applying-this-3-in-1-method-32abcfe3f096>
Quiliter, J, 2018, How Twitter Can Connect Brands With Gamers, April 15 2018, viewed 17 March 2019, <https://blog.twitter.com/marketing/en_gb/topics/research/2018/Twitter-brands-Gamers.html>
Stegner, B, 2014, 4 Places to Find Hilarious Gaming Memes, December 8 2014, viewed 19 March 2019, <https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/4-places-find-hilarious-gaming-memes/>