10 February 2023

Hogwarts Legacy: Trans Character Criticised for Being ‘Forced’ and ‘Ungenuine’ By Gamers

Sirona Ryan is the Harry Potter series’ first transgender character. (Image credit: Warner Bros Games. Interactive)

Hogwarts Legacy, the highly anticipated open-world action role-playing game, has sparked a lot of debate in the gaming community recently. The debate centres on the inclusion of Sirona Ryan, a transgender character, and the criticism she has received from gamers for being “forced” and “unrealistic.” In this article, we will explore the controversy surrounding Sirona Ryan, the arguments for and against her inclusion in the game, and the impact this criticism has had on the gaming community.

Introduction to Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing game set in the Harry Potter universe. Players will explore the world of Hogwarts and its surrounding areas, as well as discover and learn spells, build their character, and take part in magical duels. The game was developed by Avalanche Software, Interactive Entertainment and published by Warner Bros it was released on February 10th 2023.

The game has generated a lot of anticipation, with many gamers excited to explore the world of Harry Potter. The inclusion of Sirona Ryan, a trans character, has also generated a lot of buzz in the gaming community, as it is one of the first major games to feature a transgender character.

Overview of Sirona Ryan, the Trans Character

Sirona Ryan is a trans character who is set to appear in Hogwarts Legacy. She is described as a “kind and brave” person who is “not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.” She is also a student at Hogwarts and is part of a secret society called the “Owl Club” which is “dedicated to protecting the secrets of the wizarding world.” The character has been praised by some for being a positive representation of the trans community in the gaming world. She is the first major trans character to be featured in a major gaming franchise and her inclusion is seen as a step in the right direction.

(Video credit: Dan Allen Gaming)

Criticism of Sirona Ryan as “Forced” and “Ungenuine”

Despite the praise that Sirona Ryan has received from some, there has also been criticism from others who feel that her inclusion is “forced” and “unrealistic.” They argue that the character is not necessary for the story and is simply a ”token gesture” to appease those who are looking for more diversity in the gaming world.

The criticism has been so severe that it has prompted Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to issue a statement in response, saying: “The game is set in the 1800s and we felt that having a character who is transgender was an important opportunity for representation and inclusivity.”

Games Radar reported the industry professionals views are a stab with “performative bullshit“, and no more than an attempt to “pivot the conversation away from JK Rowling”.

Arguments for the Inclusion of Sirona Ryan

Those who support the inclusion of Sirona Ryan in Hogwarts Legacy make several arguments in favour of her character. They argue that representation matters and that it is important to have positive role models in the gaming world. They also point out that Sirona Ryan is an important step forward in terms of inclusivity and that having a trans character in a major game is a sign of progress.

In addition, they point out that Sirona Ryan is a well-developed character who has her own story and motivations. They argue that her inclusion is not just a token gesture, but an important part of the story that makes the game more interesting and immersive.


Arguments Against the Inclusion of Sirona Ryan

Those who oppose the inclusion of Sirona Ryan in Hogwarts Legacy make several arguments against her character. They argue that the character is “forced” and “unrealistic” and does not fit the setting of the game. They also argue that her inclusion is unnecessary and is simply a way for developers to pander to certain groups. In addition, they argue that the character is not well-developed and is simply a token gesture. They also point out that the character is not necessary for the story and that her inclusion is simply a way for developers to appear more “woke” and “inclusive.”

How the Gaming Community is Responding to the Criticism

The controversy surrounding Sirona Ryan has generated a lot of debate in the gaming community. Some have come out in support of the character, while others have been vocal in their opposition. The debate has been so heated that it has prompted Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment to issue a statement in response to the criticism. The statement emphasises that the inclusion of Sirona Ryan is an opportunity for representation and inclusivity and that her character is an important part of the story. The statement also acknowledges the criticism and encourages gamers to keep an open mind and give the character a chance.

Impact of the Criticism on the Gaming Community

The criticism of Sirona Ryan has had a profound impact on the gaming community. On the one hand, it has sparked a much-needed discussion about representation and inclusivity in the gaming world. On the other hand, the criticism has caused some gamers to become more vocal in their opposition to inclusion and has created an environment of hostility and intolerance. The impact of the criticism is not limited to the gaming community. It has also sparked a larger debate about representation and inclusivity in the media. This debate has highlighted the importance of creating positive role models and has encouraged creators to strive for greater diversity and inclusivity in their work.

(Image credit: Warner Bros Games. Interactive)


The controversy surrounding Sirona Ryan in Hogwarts Legacy has generated a lot of debate in the gaming community. While some support her inclusion, others have been critical of her character as “forced” and “unrealistic.” The criticism has had a profound impact on the gaming community, sparking a larger debate about representation and inclusivity in the media. At the end of the day, it is up to gamers to decide if they want to support Sirona Ryan or not. Regardless of their opinion, it is important to keep an open mind and acknowledge that representation and inclusivity are important values that should be embraced in the gaming world. Hogwarts Legacy is a game that has the potential to make a positive impact on the gaming community. We hope that the controversy surrounding Sirona Ryan will encourage developers to create more positive role models and strive for greater diversity and inclusivity in their work.