23 September 2021


My decisions for my video making process were to explore the idea of “augmented reality” in a tasteful way. I decided to study this concept since I wanted to find ways to make augmented reality easier to understand for a wider audience. As to cover all three subtopics within the “new realities” was not wise as the time limits were against me. The topics such as virtual reality and mixed reality would be difficult to cover as the content for all topic matter would be quite vast and immense for one short video. Therefore, augmented reality was the sole focus of my video as I wanted to provide my audience with simplifications on what augmented reality is, when it was invented, some examples for augmented reality forms and why it is so interesting in the first place. Therefore, the mission was to convey my message to my audience in a sophisticated manner, my underlining theme throughout my video was academia, educational and modern.  

(Augmented Reality Simplified! – ALM102 | Platform: YouTube | Video exercise 2 | by Nathalee Carboni | Source: nat c)

The making elements within my video was presented within imagery and text. The idea of collaging journal articles, grabbing the point of focus and the author of the work. Comes from the idea of my underling theme of sophistication. I wanted to specifically have the journals and highlight the most essential word choices and details along with a juxtaposed side by side image and text view, which showed to take a liner perceptive. The imagery I utilised was black and white with some colours. Th idea of the hues being on the plain side was on purpose, as I wanted the contract of the highlighted text to be used as the main point of conveying the message from the journals, because the goal of the video is to educate. The use of video is especially prominent within my video for good reason, as I wanted to demonstrative the idea of change and iteration of technology within new realities since the 1960s till now and I wanted to foreshow how easy it is for anyone to open their smart device and use the augmented reality given to them effortlessly in compression to the “the sword of Damocles” which was too heavy at the time to be used properly for users. I think this aspect of change and innovation was conveyed successfully within my video as the entire purpose of the piece is too simply explain the basics of augmented reality to the viewer within a short time frame through imagery and text. Its mission is to be clear and interlinked as possible.  

Juxtaposition occurs when an author place two things side by side as a way of highlighting their differences. Ideas, images, characters, and actions are all things that can be juxtaposed with one another.”

The Hasso Plattner Institue of Design at Stanford, commonly known as the d. school encourages the idea of “build to think and test to learn” (Plattner 2010), which means that building and testing are seen to be more valuable than ideating (Plattner 2010). This concept was very important for me within my video making process, as there was a lot of trail and error within my video, as editing was all about perfecting the imagery and timing it correctly with the audio. It was difficult and the audio was done individually and part by part to make a seamless narrative flow which was a challenge. I learned that maybe I should have done the audio first and then the imagery. Therefore, it probably wouldn’t have been that confusing to match up my content and it stops confusion within the creation process. Another take way I have learned is time, I was over the time limit within my video, and I need to pay more attention to cutting down my content in a more tasteful way hopefully in the next video I can achieve that coherently.



Disco Ultralounge (https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100602) by Kevin MacLeod (CC BY 4.0)


Ivan Sutherland, at the celebration of his 70th birthday at the Computer History Museum (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivan_Sutherland#/media/File:Ivan_Sutherland_at_CHM.jpg) by Dick Lyon (CC BY 3.0)

Photo of Borko Furht, Ph.D. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borko_Furht#/media/File:Borko_Furht.jpg) by Andrewsw2014 (CC BY 4.0)


First Head mounted display 1965 The Sword of Damocles (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iyNrV7w4f4) by Andrey Klimenko (CC BY 3.0)  

Sound Effects:


DaVinci Resolve 17 


Furht, B. ed., 2011. Handbook of augmented reality. Springer Science & Business Media. 

Frenkel, K.A., 1989. An Interview with Ivan Sutherland. Communications of the ACM, 32(6), pp.712-714. 

Kramer, L.J., Prince III, L.J., Bailey, R.E., Arthur III, J.J. and Parrish, R.V., 2004. Flight test evaluation of synthetic vision concepts at a terrain challenged airport.

Loomis, JM 2016, ‘Presence in Virtual Reality and everyday life: immersion with a world of representation’, Presence, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 169-74

Zemach, T. and Cohen, A.A., 1986. Perception of gender equality on television and in social reality. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, 30(4), pp.427-444.

Lee, K.M., 2004. Presence, explicated. Communication theory, 14(1), pp.27-50.

Plattner H, 2010, An Introduction to Design Thinking PROCESS GUIDE, d-school 2010, viewed September 19 2018, <https://dschool-old.stanford.edu/sandbox/groups/designresources/wiki/36873/attachments/74b3d/ModeGuideBOOTCAMP2010L.pdf>

1 Comment

  • You did quite the job in compounding the literature of augmented reality into a video media which could be explained in layman’s terms. Good job!

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